The visit served as an important opportunity to enhance the business relationship between the UK and Sri Lanka, specifically in the context of our interactions with Primo Pvt. Ltd.

During the visit, crucial discussions were held regarding the future direction of our collaboration. Significant decisions were made, shaping the trajectory of our business interactions for the better. Present at the discussions was Mr. Maurisio, our esteemed senior Italian consultant, who provided invaluable insights into international business and new developments. Additionally, our COO, Mr. Anura, Mr. Rohan, Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications, and Mr. Suranga, Head of Export and Group Corporate Sales, contributed significantly to the productive deliberations.

This notable meeting highlighted Primo (Pvt) Ltd.’s commitment to fostering strong relationships with our customers. We eagerly anticipate implementing the decisions made during Mr. Newton’s visit, further solidifying our customer-centric approach and ensuring excellence in all our operations.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Primo (Pvt) Ltd, where innovation meets excellence in synthetic leather manufacturing.

Thank you for your unwavering support and belief in Primo Innovations.